A New Season- is here whether we like it or not and with the cooler temperatures comes more layers of clothing to keep us warm. But inside my body is the heat from a glowing heart, stoked by a summer of change. I worked hard this summer to rid myself of past false beliefs, to look inside myself and to find my true love, passion, who I am, figuring out what is my purpose. Even though I've learned a lot about me, I still have a lot of questions, a lot of learning and a lot of growth to do.
I grew my hair out- I like it better that way
I got a tattoo- I love it and makes me shiver when I think about the pain I felt then and the love it brings me now- totally worth it. (mmm I wonder if theres a 2nd one on the horizon).
I quit working full time at a job I didn't like and work 2 days a week at a job I feel challenged by, inspired by an want to be at- (at the time of writing this it Has only been 2 days-lol ask me in a month time- how I feel).
I started teaching a beginner yoga class in my house (yup created a mini studio for mini classes right in my living room- who needs a living room anyway?)
I work with a young man who has Down's syndrome and his mom at their house teaching yoga to and exercising with- I am so grateful for this opportunity.
I had some head shots taken from a fool around photo shoot with Jim Patrick- the nicest guy with the most beautiful wife ever!
I had my second, 15 minutes of fame- got to be on Girl Talk Radio with Marlo Boux- check it out www.girltalkwithmarlo.com
I worked on opening my heart and throat chakras to the highest and best possible for this time and I truly feel the energy within me flowing more freely.
I reconnected with family, made new connections on Facebook, in my neighbourhood with the wonderful Adrianne Percy- because my gut told me to stop and buy lemonade from 2 kids
I made new relationships at work and by other social media means.
I rode my bike more and loved it more than I thought- I can't wait to get a trainer for it and ride all yr around.
I ended up on crutches for a week and hobbling for several more, which taught me many lessons- way to many to go into here- and I shed a few tears. I realized how important my health and wellbeing is to me and I need to do for me what is best- not do what others tell me or expect me to do. I need to be honest about how I feel at any moment with myself and others.
Like the seasons changing so has my life, I'm excited, scared, nervous, at the same time at peace with the decisions I've made and know which way I'm headed in the future. My path may wander sideways but I know I am moving forward all the same.
Just like the seasons changing in order to bring growth and new life, my life is changing for me to grow and bring new energy into it. I'm excited about my future, about learning new things, meeting new people, experiencing new activities, eating new foods, creating and connecting- thats living!
Just like with the seasons changing- some things die, some things will never be the same, some people leave, sometimes I may not want to look at and question the negative feelings and emotions- I have to and will in order to keep me connected, balanced and whole.
As I continue on my journey to awaken my mind, body and soul I look back on the last season and smile, feeling grateful for the experiences and for the lessons. I will try and take those lessons forward, continuing on my path with grace and humility.
Thank you to all who listen, speak, share and care and help connect me to the bigger picture!
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