Monday, 2 May 2011

The Gift of Friendship

So many people come into our lives at so many different times and each one touches us in a special way. Some people will be an introduction only, some you will see everyday, some will be by your side for a short time and others will be by your side for a long time. We may call any or all of those people friends.

Social media has connected more people than imaginable and those friendships are sooo important to many. One of my values is being connected and as I grow and open to new experiences, I can't fathom not being on facebook or twitter. You can never meet too many people or have too many friends.

Best friends, dearest friends, soul sisters, whatever they're called is not important. Its about how they make you feel when you're with them and when you're not. Its about how you make them feel. Friendships are about sharing, caring, feeling pain, showing love, feeling excited, having fun, listening, not judging, sharing tears and fears and most of all watching your friends grow and being happy for them.

I love meeting new people and making new friends and as I open my heart and soul and walk down my path I am excited about all the future friends I will meet. I am truly thankful for the friends I have met and cherish every moment with them.

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