Friday, 2 January 2015

The New Year, Flu and You.

I don't think I've had the flu for about 5 years. Maybe longer, I can't really remember the last time I was hit with such a powerful virus. This flu really packs a punch. H3N2 or whatever its called has hit Ontario and Manitoba pretty hard. It is day 5 for me, my head still stuffed, coughing, etc. Now I consider myself in fairly good health. I'm 51 years old, work out fairly consistently, manage stress pretty good and eat healthy. If I indulge in a dessert it is a homemade paleo one, so a healthy lifestyle is important to me and my family.

Even with that said, this flu bug has taken  5 rounds out of me. I can only imagine what it is doing to people with a compromised immune system or a senior. Unfortunately the impact has filled our emergency rooms to the rafters. I also had the flu shot this year and what I've heard is that the flu may have been even worse if I hadn't had it. I also work in a hospital setting, constantly washing my hands or using hand sanitizer, for fear of passing along a virus.

Ironically my dad had the flu first and as I was over at his apartment bringing him Benylene and Fisherman's Friend I wasn't as diligent with hand washing away from work. My bad, as it came back to bite me!

This was just a great reminder for me to do my part and be super diligent with hand washing as well as staying healthy so if I do get a virus my body is capable to fight it off without heading to a hospital ER. What bothers me is the individual who doesn't take responsibility for their own health. Hand Washing, getting daily physical activity, eating healthy and managing life's stressors is your part.

The problem I run into in my work, are people that don't have an awareness of their own behaviour. They are blaming, denying, running away from, etc and not looking at their part. This lack of emotional awareness is not only visible at flu time, but all year around.

Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful for all the guys and gals who do work in our emergency rooms, quick care clinics and all the health care workers who give their all every day to keep people as healthy as possible. I just don't get why the government doesn't see illness prevention as a priority to keep people out of the ERs.

Maybe all of us need to be more emotionally aware of the part we play in keeping our community healthy. From government to teachers to parents to businesses, what are you willing to look at to make a change to a more healthy environment for 2015.