The silence within oneself is often deafening to some. To sit in silence or clear your mind is such a re-energizing journey yet so hard for most people. Being okay with yourself and just your thoughts or being mindful of the moment can be like chaos. Imagine being still in fast paced environment.
I worked with a group the other day, where life is fragile and stress is high. The majority felt it was chaos without hope, yet one girl I spoke with said it was chaos within the calm. When I asked her to explain she said there is calmness I feel, a confidence, a strength within me and the challenge is how to keep me this way while working in others chaos.
It kinda reminded me of my recent visit to New York. The droves of people, the lights, the busyness 24-7. Sarah even commented at one point that she felt rushed and hectic because thats what she felt in others around her.
Yet as I watched the locals and fellow tourists scurrying around I felt a sense of calm, a sense of my place in the big chaotic picture. It truly is easy to get caught up in the moment, to feel the energy, see all the lights, hear all the sounds of the hustle and bustle of New York and the challenge is always finding the balance.
Its like a teeter totter that you are the only one on top of. You walk slowly to the middle and too much one way will slide down to the ground , too much weight the other way and bam the board hits the ground. I don't think its finding that perfect middle spot that is the answer as perfect doesn't exist. Its the fluidness of finding the back and forth balance that makes life fun.
So go find the peace within to help you sway to and fro to live , appreciate, love and be happy in your life whatever the chaos around you. Keep your body, mind and soul healthy.