Thursday 14 June 2012

Shakespeare's Question?

To Be or Not to Be…..
One of my recent lessons learned is that events happen all the time, all around us and how we react to those events is what makes us happy or unhappy. Why would we want to be unhappy? I don’t think anyone, prefers to be unhappy, or chooses to be unhappy on purpose.
So why then do we react to things/situations/events in such a way that makes us unhappy? Someone once asked me, why do you react in such a negative way to circumstances? How does that make you feel? How does that make the people you are with feel? Yikes, I hadn’t thought about it and that was one of my big lessons. Wake up and be aware of your thoughts. 
How I react to things is my choice. If I approach life (each and every event) with an open loving heart, I feel happy and the people I am around also feel happy. So why aren’t we ALL happy ALL the time? Why aren’t we living in a euphoric, Yoko and John love the world way.
Well we can, we all can if we choose to. However most often we let the events of the external world dictate how we will feel. We listen to our egotistical mind and allow those thoughts to be what we react to. In his book, “The Untethered Soul The Journey Beyond Yourself”, Michael A. Singer suggests once you decide you want to be unconditionally happy, something inevitably will happen that challenges you. It is this test of your commitment to being happy that is exactly what stimulates an awaking within and true growth. 
We know a million things are going to happen to you or you will be a part of in your life. The real question is what are you going to think when these things happen? They are just things/events. Good, bad, ugly we categorize them. Be happy that you have experienced them. Don’t listen to your ego thoughts and create drama, sadness, hurt to yourself or others. Realize you are the observer of those thoughts and let them go. Don’t hold onto them, they will only make you suffer. 
Commit to being happy and you will learn all about your mind, your heart, and your soul. Every time you start to feel unhappy, let it go, keep your heart open and if you do you will experience life at a different level. So it really is a simple choice; 
Do you want to be happy or not?

There Is No Key To Happiness, The Door Is Always Open

By J. Johnson, picture courtesy of therocketdream May 5, 2012
There Is No Key To Happiness, The Door Is Always Open

 There is no key to happiness, the door is always open. 
Many of us throughout the world are on our own journey's toward peace, fulfillment, and most of all happiness, even though we know that engaging on this journey is a commitment for the rest of our lifetime. On this road to happiness and fulfillment a person must be able to realize and accept a variety of things. One of these things is that a person must realize who they are, and that true happiness will only be achieved if they are willing to be themselves and not who others may want them to be.