Sunday, 6 May 2012

What is Maca?

Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a hearty root vegetable grown in the high Andes of Bolivia and Peru. The locals have been using maca for hundreds of years for its nutritional and medicinal properties, for power as an aphrodisiac, energy enhancer and hormonal balancer
Nurtional Profile:
A dietary staple for the local people of the Andes, maca is rich in nutrients, containing 31 different minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, alkaloids and sterols. Maca is an adaptogen- a substance which brings the body to heightened state of resistance to disease. Studies suggest that it has a balancing effect on the hypothalamus, which in turn balances other endocrine glands in the body.
Clinical Research:
Maca root has flourished for thousands of years in the high Andes at altitudes up to 14,000 feet in extreme climatic conditions where few other plants can survive a single season. Scientists suggest the maca’s remarkabler endurance may help to explain its energizing and adaptogenic properites. Peruvian and Chinese researchers have conducted clinical tests on both humans and animals verifying the maca capacity to strengthen the libido and increase sperm count.
For Women:
Bolivian natives have traditionally turned to Maca root to treat a variety of female health problems, from infertility to menstrual dysfunction and menopausal difficulties. In North America, some naturopaths and clinicians suggest Maca as a safe alternative to HRT (hormone replacement therapy), for balancing hormones and improving sexual function.
For Men:
The native peoples of Bolivia and Peru have used Maca root as a libido enhancer and reproductive aid for thousands of years. Since being "rediscovered by modern science" Maca supplements have become popular as a safe and natural way to improve sexual vitality, desire and performance.
Maca has been cultivated in the Andes for thousand of years. It is extremely rich nutritionally and contains 31 different minerals along with amino acids, antioxidants, alkaloids and sterols.
Maca flourishes in conditions where few other plants can survive, at altitudes above 14,000 feet, through freezing winds and blistering heat. This tolerance to extremes may help explain its potent healing and energizing properties.
PS- my favourite way of eating maca is in a Macasure chocolate bar! Its good for my body, mind and soul!

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Listen to the Peace and Truth Within

“The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace.
With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh

Interesting isn't it. When you take a look back you can now say, "oh ya I remember that" and think about why it happened, who came into your life at that point, the lesson's you've learned from it. There are no coincidences. Everything happens for a reason, everyone that comes into your life is for a reason.

I had a great chat with someone I recently met. He has a career that does not fulfil him, he knows he is meant to be doing something else. He told me he felt really good around food and wine. He loves to smell it, taste it, describe it and write about it. Wine in particular. So he took a couple of courses and loved them, passing each level onto the next. Now he is at a point where he needs to take the one last big step to get to where he wants to be. A Sommelier! Thats fantastic I said, I can hear how passionate you are about this change. But I also hear some hesitation, tell me about that.

My friend started in on struggling with the unknown of moving ahead. Leaving the security of one job for something maybe he won't be good at. He worried about letting others down. He said he is fighting himself on moving ahead, fear that he is making the wrong journey.

Wow, was my first response, then I sat back and smiled and realized he was exactly at the spot I was last year. He was saying almost word for word what I said, how I felt. I was so fortunate to have a beautiful young soul guide me. Ask me the tough questions, tell me about the ego, fear, having a vision, emotions, aligning your actions with whats inside you.

By the end of our conversation he agreed to stop fighting and let things be. He agreed that preparing himself for the right moment is what he needs to focus on. Opportunities will come later. My friend said he feels the passion for food and wine inside his heart. It feels right he said. He is going to take the next step.

So whats the problem I countered back? My friend laughed and said I just had to talk it out. Thanks for listening and asking the right questions. We finished our coffee and I was grateful to be the one asking the tough questions and helping him to peel back a few more layers to understand a deeper soul.

One last question he said, what if I fail?  What is failure I asked? He had a hard time defining it, but didn't want to let others down. Then don't have the thought of failure in your mind I said. He looked back at me and said, oh I know I will be successful, it just might take a bit of time. Enjoy the journey I said and don't worry so much about the destination. You will arrive.

Oh and if you "fail", try again!