I'm sure you've all heard of the British Navy slogan of staying calm and just carry on with your duties.When someone said that to me a couple of weeks back my first reaction was, that was kinda a silly thing to say, but after some thought it was the perfect thing for me to hear. Its so amazing to me that really that is all it takes. When a stressful situation arises, all you have to do is breathe deep to keep the mind and body relaxed and the soul will truly reveal the path that we are all looking for.
Of course along the way there are lessons to be learned, patterns to be recognized and continual love to give. I realized that I love myself and the person I have become. I love being healthy, I value exercising, I envision my future. Even though I feel I am off my path I know I will be back on it soon. I just need to reach a little deeper to see the truth. I am not afraid to do the work needed.
I have layed out steps to create the life I would like to live. See it, action it, live it. Are there fears, anxiety, false beliefs. Yes of course there is, but I know they are there. I won't hide them, I will look at them head on and break them down as soon as I see them.
I can't predict the future for me or anyone else so why live in the future. Live for now! Be spontaneous, question, read, learn, love, experience. You have every second just waiting for you to awaken your mind, body and soul. Don't wait - do it now.
With winter approaching, a lot of people I know start to hibernate. I love winter. I can't wait to skate, cross country ski, snowshoe, walk in the snow on a sunny afternoon. Go for coffee, meet a friend, workout hard, get a massage, listen, talk, write, create. Be the person you truly are. It is time to awaken and become whole.
As I continue on my path more than ever I feel the pull of energy to awaken my mind, body and soul to be the person I am truly meant to be. I hope you awaken today. Be the person you truly feel you are meant to be.